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AGAS - Together we can

Building a Sustainable Future

Together, we can protect and enhance the environment by effectively managing the lifecycle of refrigerants and fire protection agents, to build a sustainable future.

Products and Services

Refrigeration and air conditioning is a critical part of the way we live. A‑Gas plays a crucial role in this and it is likely that you come into contact with our products every day.

A‑Gas is the world leader in the supply and lifecycle management of refrigerants and associated products and services. For over 30 years, through our first-class recovery, reclamation, and repurposing processes, we have been capturing refrigerant gas for future re-use or safe destruction, preventing its harmful release into the atmosphere.

Products and Services
Two warehouse workers with cylinders in a warehouse

Building a Sustainable Future

Our unwavering commitment to a sustainable future puts A‑Gas at the forefront of our industry in terms of sustainability and supporting the circular economy. We are continuously focused on how our products can impact the planet and how our services and expertise can protect our environment.

Five white recovery separator towers with an operator on a platform

Our Net-Zero Pledge

A-Gas is committed to becoming a net-zero company by 2035. It is an ambitious target that cannot be achieved alone, but Together, We Can.

Transform Your Refrigerant Recovery Process

Streamline your processes by utilising our on-site refrigerant recovery service and save valuable time, reduce costs and maintain business as usual.

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service engineer on the phone


A-Gas’ purpose is to protect and enhance the environment by effectively managing the lifecycle of refrigerants to build a sustainable future. We can only achieve this by having such exceptional people as part of our global team.

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sharing ideas in the boardroom