Last year, A-Gas announced it would be supporting the Ukraine Appeal by matching any donations made or raised by colleagues from around the Group.
Since then, we have seen fantastic efforts to raise money for the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. One of our colleagues, Nicolai von Dellingshausen, Head of Sales Speciality Gases for A-Gas in Europe, has raised an incredible €4000, which has been matched by A-Gas.
The money Nicolai has raised has been used to purchase an ambulance to send to Ukraine. The ambulance is fully equipped with all necessary medical material, including a stretcher and a medical chair.
The fundraising activity Nicolai has been coordinating is part of his long-term involvement with the German Branch of the Order of St. John (Johanniterorden). Nicolai’s parents and many of his family members are also very active members, so he feels as though it is part of his DNA to support humanitarian causes such as the Ukraine Appeal.
To raise the funds needed to purchase and equip the ambulance, Nicolai and other members of the Order of St. John have been speaking in front of local parishes to raise the appropriate funds.
In addition to this, Nicolai organised a stand at a local Christmas Market at the end of November, where he sold German Glühwein and German Stollen, as well as selling homemade Christmas cookies in front of a large supermarket in Brussels on the four Saturdays of Advent. Nicolai organised these events to raise additional funds, which will also be donated to the Humanitarian Aid in Ukraine.
It is fantastic to see Nicolai and his fellow Order of St. John members work so hard to raise these funds, which will help so many of those involved in the conflict in Ukraine.
A huge well done to all involved. Together, We Can!