Solvokane is an azeotropic, non-flammable mixture of 365mfc and t-DCE established because of the phasing out of CFCs and HCFCs. With high solvency power it is the cleaning solvent of choice for precision cleaning requirements.
Packaging Information
- Available from A‑Gas and wholesale partners.
- Store cylinders in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight
- For available package sizes please contact A-Gas on 0800 992 427 or via the Contact Us form
*OEM manufacturers
Product Features and Benefits
- Colourless volatile liquid with zero ozone depletion potential. Has similar cleaning properties to the more expensive HFC
- HFE solvents R141b and R113. Is fast drying with no residue
The information contained within this website is for guidance only, for further system specific advice please call A‑Gas directly.