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AGAS - Together we can

A-Gas' solution to dealing with remaining refrigerant heels in disposable cylinders.

Rows of pink disposable cylinders with green valves in a wooden crate

At A-Gas, our purpose is to build a sustainable future.

We are dedicated to recovering and reclaiming refrigerant gases for future re-use or safe destruction to prevent their potentially harmful release into the atmosphere.

Disposable refrigerant cylinders are designed to be one-time use cylinders that contain refrigerants with high ozone-depleting (ODP) and or global warming potentials (GWP) that harm the environment when released

This innovative recycling program provides Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC-R) contractors with a free, easy, and environmentally responsible way to recover the remaining vapour heel and safely dispose through metal recycling and disposable refrigerant cylinders.

When customers partner with A-Gas and our Drop-A-Disposable service, they play an important role in helping the industry reduce its emissions.

Rows of pink disposable cylinders in a warehouse from above
Our Drop-A-Disposable service is available in some of our locations worldwide
Why is it important to responsibly dispose of refrigerant gas cylinders?

Because of their high Global Warming Potential (GWP), refrigerant gases are a threat to the environment if released into the atmosphere.  As a result, some countries have made it illegal to do this purposely.

In the industry, one of the best ways to protect the environment is to minimise the release of these potentially harmful refrigerants.

Learn more about LRM
Close-up of rows of pink disposable cylinders in a wooden crate


To start recycling your disposable cylinders today, visit our New Zealand or South Africa Websites.

Rows of pink disposable cylinders in a warehouse from above