European Industry Leaders Stand Together Against Illegal F-Gas Imports
Industry leaders from across the European refrigerants market have come together to release a position paper on the current functioning of the F‑Gas regulation, with a focus on the problems raised by the issue of illegal F‑Gas imports in the EU.
The ultimate objective of the EU F‑Gas Directive is to reduce the emissions of HFC’s, with the HFC phase-down as one of its main measures by reducing consumption. The framework of the regulation is, however, at risk and already undermined today due to the illegal import of HFC’s in the EU.
We call upon the European Commission to target the illegal trade of F‑Gas as a priority and to carefully consider all legal and practical measures which could effectively encourage the reduction of F-Gas emissions, in the near term.
A‑Gas is a strong supporter of the F-Gas Regulation and the wider international Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol. We welcome these important and far-reaching environmental regulations. However, without effective, proportionate and dissuasive enforcement, they will not be able to deliver on their commitments.
View the full F-Gas Regulation and the Issue of Illegal Import white paper here.