US Senate Ratifies the Kigali Amendment

In a historic vote, the US Senate has voted to ratify the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.
The Senate voted 69-27 to ratify the amendment to the Montreal Protocol, which will play a key part in reversing climate change and helping to build a more sustainable future. It’s also a big step for the American economy, bringing new jobs, advancing technology, and further opening up the global market to American-made products.
Ratifying the Kigali Amendment ensures that countries commit to cutting the production of HFCs (Hydrofluorocarbons) by 80% in the next 30 years, preventing an estimated 80 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions by 2050. The US Senate ratifying the Kigali Amendment is an incredible step toward combatting climate change.
“The United States is back at the table leading the fight against climate change,” commented US President Joe Biden, “As more countries join the United States in ratifying this amendment, we can prevent up to half a degree Celsius of warming this century, a significant contribution to fighting climate change and protecting communities from more extreme impacts.”
Following the ratification of the Amendment, the US has become the 138th country to ratify the Kigali Amendment and will join the other 137 countries at the next Montreal Protocol meeting in November.
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