Carbon Offsets
Building a more sustainable future through the lifecycle management of refrigerant gases.
Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with Carbon Offsets
A-Gas recognizes that climate change is a challenge for organizations across the globe.
Our industry-leading, circular economy approach to the complete lifecycle management of refrigerants reduces the carbon footprint of the industries we serve.
Through the generation of custom carbon offsets, A-Gas can help businesses worldwide reduce their carbon footprint.

What is a Carbon Offset?
A carbon offset is used by a company or individual, as part of a wider carbon reduction plan, to compensate for the carbon dioxide they emit into the atmosphere.
A carbon offset represents an emission reduction of one metric ton of CO₂ or an equivalent amount of other greenhouse gas. This offset can compensate for an equivalent emission made elsewhere as a result of industrial or human activity.

Offsets You Can Trust
A-Gas compliance offsets are generated from the safe destruction of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS). Our methodology development and project verification are carried out under one of the following internationally recognized registries:
- Verified Carbon Standard (VERRA)
- Climate Action Reserve
- American Carbon Registry (ACR)
These registries have been approved by the California Cap and Trade program and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to provide offset credits in its Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).

Voluntary Carbon Offsets
Voluntary carbon credits are a recognized mechanism that allows individuals and companies to invest in greenhouse gas emission reduction projects that contribute to reducing the amount of CO₂ in the atmosphere.
Voluntary credits generated by A-Gas are therefore eligible for ICAO's CORSIA program and for general use in the voluntary carbon market.

Compliance Carbon Offsets
Compliance carbon offsets are created for use in regulatory programs such as the California Cap and Trade system.
Our offsets meet the Western Climate Initiative (WCI) standards. WCI supports specific American (California and Washington) and Canadian (Québec and Nova Scotia) jurisdictions’ programs.
The carbon offsets we develop for California and WCI are generated from the destruction of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS), such as CFC refrigerants like R12, R11, R500, R113, and R114.

Alignment with UN Sustainable Development Goals
Our voluntary carbon projects are aligned with several UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), primarily Climate Action. Through our recovery and reclamation activities, A-Gas directly prevents harmful emissions and reduces the need for virgin gas production. Displacing the need for further virgin production, in turn, reduces emissions associated with new product manufacturing and trans-oceanic shipping.
Considered collectively with the avoided emissions from capturing the original gas, reclaimed refrigerants positively impact other SDG goals, including Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (9); Sustainable Cities and Communities (11); Responsible Consumption and Production (12); and Climate Action (13).

Market-Leading Destruction Technology
A-Gas PyroPlas® is the only plasma arc destruction technology in the United States that is approved for the generation of carbon offsets. Our PyroPlas equipment is located in Bowling Green, Ohio. A-Gas PyroPlas is the cleanest, most environmentally friendly, end-of-life option for refrigerants because our equipment can destroy these harmful ODS gases to an efficiency of 99.9999% with de minimis emissions, and no adverse environmental impacts.

*Unless specifically documented, A-Gas retains the rights, ownership, and title to any and all environmental benefits and attributes for the reclaimed gas that is purchased or sold by A-Gas and any gas that is acquired and caused to be destroyed by A-Gas.