Drop-A-Dispo Refrigerant Cylinder Recycling Program
South Africa's solution to the disposable cylinder problem.

What is Drop-A-Dispo?
Drop-A-Dispo is South Africa’s solution to the disposable cylinder problem. It is an innovative recycling program that provides HVACR contractors with a free, easy, and environmentally responsible way to recycle used disposable refrigerant cylinders.
Disposable refrigerant cylinders contain synthetic greenhouse gases that are harmful to the environment when released to atmosphere. As a leader in lifecycle refrigerant management, A-Gas is dedicated to capturing refrigerants gases for future re-use or safe destruction, preventing harmful release into the atmosphere.
Every gram counts.
Why is it important to responsibly dispose of refrigerant gas cylinders?
Refrigerant cylinders contain synthetic greenhouse gases that are harmful to the environment when leaked to atmosphere. It is illegal in South Africa to purposely vent refrigerant to the atmosphere.
In our industry, one of the best ways to protect the environment is to prevent the release of potentially harmful refrigerants and other gases to atmosphere. Under the South Africa Air Quality Act of 2004, HFC refrigerants have been declared a 'priority air pollutants' and HCFC's, as ozone depleting substances, are prohibited from being released into the atmosphere. Therefore all importers, distributors, resellers and users of refrigerant must safely and responsibly dispose of refrigerant that is no longer required, including the small amounts of refrigerant that is left in used disposables. Towards Zero, Together.

How will A-Gas recycle disposable refrigerant gas cylinders?
What is the cost of participating in the recycling program?
There is NO COST to participate in the disposable refrigerant cylinder recycling program.
HVAC-R Professionals: Simply drop off your used disposable refrigerant cylinders at any Drop-A-Dispo drop-off locations near you. There is no sign-up process or costs to have your used disposable refrigerant cylinders recycled and responsibly managed.