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AGAS - Together we can

Fire Protection and Halon Related Services

A-Gas offers a market-leading approach to the lifecycle management of halocarbon-based Fire Protection agents.

Close up of fire protection cylinders

A-Gas offers industry-leading services on a global basis for owners and users of clean agent fire suppressants. From product supply and system bottle filling, to recovery, reclamation and disposal, our team of experts will work with you to tailor a customised service offering that suits your requirements.


A-Gas supplies a range of fire protection, clean agents and halon products. A‑Gas can provide reclaimed halon for critical use applications, such as civil aviation.

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fire protection cylinder heads

Halon Bank

A‑Gas' complete lifecycle management of halon offers essential users the ability to bank recovered and recertified bulk products for future needs. Banking halon now to cover future requirements offers users a unique tailored service to meet your future needs and ensures business continuity.

A close up of fire extinguishers grouped together

Fire Protection and Halon Buyback

A‑Gas will purchase decommissioned Halon (1211, 1301, 2402) worldwide; this service is offered in accordance with the Montreal Protocol to reclaim for 'critical users'. 

Contact us to find out more.

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Close up of fire protection cylinders

Reclamation Services

Our market-leading reclamation facilities enable the return and reprocessing of clean agent fire suppressant and halon-related products.

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A gas separator, wide shot under a sunset

On-Site Recovery Services

A‑Gas offers a world-leading, on-site recovery service. Working in conjunction with all local and international environmental regulations, we remove halon and other clean agents directly from equipment in a fast, efficient and safe manner.  

On-Site Recovery Services
rapid recovery engineer standing with recovery vehicle


We use the most efficient, UN- and TEAP-approved technology to destroy materials that no longer have a use. Our ‘end-of-life’ service prevents the material from being vented and causing harm to our planet.

Destruction and Disposal Services
PyroPlas Plasma Arc destruction equipment